Published 8 April 2022
50 days to graduation!
Every year SSHL celebrates “50-dagars”, a much-loved tradition that sees our graduating students celebrate that there are only 50 days left until graduation.
This year, we had a heavy wet snow falling and it was freezing cold, but the weather could not stop the students joy.
And now it’s only 50 days left to graduation! The traditional celebration culminates with the graduating class receiving their Abiturient caps . These caps traditionally signify that they are eligible candidates for the no-longer-taken Swedish final exams that result in a high school diploma, much like the final exams that our IB Diploma Programme students still take.
This year, the boarding houses and our day students could perform their skits and shows in front of the rest of our students again, and finish with the traditional graduation chant about only having 50 days left until graduation.
The students also followed the tradition by marching to Sigtunastiftelsen, to make their wishes and throw a coin in the pond in Rosenträdgården. They also marched all the way to Stora torget in Sigtuna town, to hold their speech to Sigtuna. In the evening, there is more skits and show, followed by a 3 course dinner together with their mentors.
The graduating students display of pure joy is a wonderful thing to see.
Enjoy the photos from this years cap ceremony below!