School ethos

A distinctive blend of Swedish and international culture, academic excellence and compassion.

Human compassion

Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Läroverket SSHL was established on the core value of human compassion, recognizing every individual has equal rights. We therefore promote kindness toward the weak and tolerance for diverse beliefs, and take a strong stand against all forms of repression and discrimination.

The objectives of Sigtuna Skolstiftelse

These fundamental concepts are stated in the objectives of the merger in 1983 between the two schools Sigtunaskolan and Sigtunastiftelsens Humanistiska Läroverk:

“Sigtuna Skolstiftelse’s objective is to run a national boarding school on the ethical guidelines that have been the hallmark of both Sigtunastiftelsens Humanistiska Läroverk and Sigtunaskolan since foundation.

Based on the Christian Humanism of the founders, Manfred Björkquist, Harry Cullberg and Arvid Bruno, this fundamental view means respect for idealistic, eternal values and human compassion, which includes recognition of everyone’s equal worth, kindness toward the weak, tolerance of those with different beliefs, and a firm stance against all forms of oppression and discrimination.”

Read more about our school values and guidelines

Creating a safe space in which to live and learn

This objective is well in line with the view stated in the new national curriculum for both elementary and secondary schools:

“For our students to succeed, we must create the conditions that allow students to acquire and develop knowledge.”

We at SSHL understand that we have a far-reaching responsibility for each student’s academic success and positive well-being. As such, we make the following pledge:

“The school will promote understanding of other people and the capacity for empathy. No one at school should be subjected to bullying. The school must actively combat harassment. Xenophobia and intolerance are the products of ignorance and fear, and must be countered with knowledge, open discussion and active measures.”

These words have particular significance for a boarding school like SSHL and put their mark on the entire organisation, because such a school has a far-reaching responsibility for each student’s life situation throughout much of the year.

SSHL is an international boarding school by virtue of its students and employees what the curriculum states:

“Swedish society’s internationalisation […] sets a high demand on people’s ability to live with and understand the values that are part of cultural diversity. The school is a social and cultural meeting place, which affords both the opportunity and the obligation to strengthen this ability in all who work there.”