Boarding options at SSHL
Boarding options
Today, we offer 3 alternatives for boarding:
- SSHL Traditional Boarding
- Full Boarding
- Weekly Boarding
A few weekends every school year require mandatory attendance for all boarding students, regardless of boarding option.
No matter the boarding option, all boarding students benefit from the sense of community, academic excellence, breadth and quality of sport and extracurricular activities that are the signature of an education at SSHL.
Weekly Boarding
Weekly boarding is available from autumn 2021. Weekly boarding ensures time at home every weekend for students who have the possibility to commute weekly.
This weekly Monday through Friday option is there to provide support to busy families whose work and life commitments put pressure on the logistics of school and extracurriculars. In comparison with day-school options, weekly boarding gives students seamless access to additional academic support, sports and extracurricular activities.
SSHL Traditional Boarding
Our traditional boarding allows students to make the very most of their time at SSHL, but also to spend some weekend time to connect with family and friends at home.
The student lives at the school 7 days a week, except for holidays and a set number of weekends according to the school’s calendar.
Full Boarding
Full boarding is available from autumn 2020. The full boarding option gives the student access to boarding facilities all weekends that are not part of national holidays.
The student stays on campus 7 days a week, except for national school holidays. This option is particularly suitable for students who cannot easily travel to their families on weekends.