Published 3 October 2024

Students and teachers studied crafts in Gaziantep

A group of teachers and students have just returned from a study trip to Gaziantep, where they focused on European crafts in our latest Erasmus project Erasmus Consensus. 

This was the final stage of the project, with focus on European handicrafts and three schools participating with representatives from Sweden, Spain and Turkey.

Elever sitter vid stort bord och pysslar.

During the trip, the group participated in a mosaic workshop with a local artist, where everyone got to create their own mosaic tile.

The students also gave presentations about typical crafts from their own countries.

Elever på scenen redovisar sitt arbete om svenskt hantverk. Gaziantep, Turkiet 2024.

One day the group went on an excursion on the Euphrates, starting from Rumkale, continuing to the ancient city of Zuegma which was flooded in 2000 when the Birecik dam was built.

Staden Zuegma som översvämmades år 2000 då Birecik-dammen byggdes. Idag syns endast en minaret, som är tillräckligt hög sticka upp ur vattnet.

Today, only one minaret is high enough to be seen from the old, flooded settlement. However, valuable mosaics were saved from Zuegma, which the group got to look at when they visited the Zuegma Mosaic Museum in Gaziantep on the last day of the trip.

En mosaiktavla på Zuegma Mosaic Museum i Gaziantep: Eleverna tittade på värdefull mosaik från Zuegma.

The trip on the Euphrates also took students and teachers to the city of Haltifi where they disembarked and walked across an old suspension bridge – something that felt unusual and a little scary, as it swayed a lot. The city and the area around both Haltifi and Rumkale have been hit hard by the earthquake that shook the Gaziantep area in January last year. It was noticeable that these areas were under re-construction, although some old buildings remained intact.

Earlier Erasmus projects: Erasmus Modern Learning visited SSHL