Published 13 November 2023

Experiments at Gröna Lund and Olympian Games in Science

Our students and teachers are very interested and engaged in natural science!

Edutainment at Gröna Lund

Earlier this fall, class NA24 visited Gröna Lund to perform physics experiments in the park’s attractions. The tivoli itself became one large laboratory filled with accelerating and rotating systems where Newton’s laws could be felt throughout the body. The texts of the physics book suddenly came to life. Simply playful learning!

SSHL-elever från NA24 besökte Gröna Lund för att göra experiment i fysik, hösten 2023.

SSHL-elever från NA24 besökte Gröna Lund för att göra experiment i fysik.

The term Edutainment comes from the English words education and entertainment and is used to describe something that has both educational and entertaining content. For part of a day, Gröna Lund was only open to high school students, who were given the opportunity to carry out laboratory work in the park.

The day at Gröna Lund was realized through a collaboration between Gröna Lund, the City of Stockholm, KTH, The University of Stockholm and others. These collaboration partners have also produced a work material with tasks for the students work on.

A really great day for our students!

SSHL-elever från NA24 i ett klassrum, deltar i kvaltävlingen till kemiolympiaden 2024.Students from class NA24 participate in 2024 Olympic games of Chemistry.

Students from NA24 participate in the qualifying competition for the Olympic Games of Chemistry 2024

The Olympic Games of Chemistry is a worldwide knowledge competition in chemistry for high school students. It has been organized annually since 1969 and Sweden has participated since 1974 as the first western country.

The competition is open to all Swedish upper secondary schools. This was trial round I which is a round to create interest among the students. Students can always participate in round II, regardless of the results in the first round. Round II is the basis for the selections for the final round.
EOES - hösten 2023 deltog klass 9a och 9b i den första kvaltävlingen. Classes 9a and 9b compete in the European Olympiad in experimental science.

EOES – European Olympiad of Experimental Science

EOES is an international competition for students in year 9 and first year of high school. The competition consists of experimental tasks in biology, chemistry and physics and is a team competition with three students per team.

Last week, classes 9a and 9b participated in the first qualifying competition, which was purely theoretical. Hopefully we will make it through to the next qualifying competition.

We are keeping our fingers crossed for our students!

SSHL students from class NA24 visited Gröna Lund for experiments in physics, autumn 2023: