Published 16 December 2021

Franziska nominated Teacher of the Year in Sigtuna

This week we congratulated Franziska Christoferson, our fantastic teacher who has been nominated for Teacher of the Year in Sigtuna by the Teacher Gala 2021.

How does it feel to be nominated Teacher of the Year in Sigtuna?

– It feels fun and encouraging.

How was the award ceremony?

– Due to the pandemic, there was no gala ceremony for all the nominees, it will be next year instead.

What is the best thing about being a teacher at SSHL?

– My students and colleagues!

How long have you been working at SSHL and what do you teach?

– It has been almost 20 years now that I have worked at SSHL. It sounds like a long time but it does not feel like it. I teach history and Swedish, mainly in our high school classes.

Is there anything you would like to add?

– Thank you for the beautiful flowers!

ABOUT THE TEACHER GALA: The basic philosophy of the Teacher Gala is to create role models for teachers in society to motivate even better pedagogy in the classroom. The idea and basis for the Teachers’ Gala came from the lack of attention to the world’s most important people, the teachers. Beata Kull is the founder and wants to give back to the teaching profession through the Teacher Gala and highlight role models in the teaching profession.

In the photo: Franziska Christoferson (right), congratulated by principal Anna Kalles for the nomination Teacher of the Year in Sigtuna at the Teacher Gala 2021.