Published 9 May 2019

High School Graduation “Studenten” 2019


At SSHL there are plenty of traditional graduation activities for students, families and staff. The following is a recap of some of the events in a letter sent out to families earlier this school-year.

Tuesday April 9 – 50 Days-to-Graduation, Arcu-gala

Start: 16.00. “50-dagars” is a much-loved tradition where the graduating students celebrate that there are only 50 days left until graduation. The tradition begins on the steps to Midgåren where the boarding houses each perform a skit or show of some kind. The students then proceed to march off campus and through the town of Sigtuna. Students receive their Matriculation cap when they return to school. The dinner starts at 19.00 for students and specially invited guests, continued by the Arcu gala.

Read more about this tradition and see some of last years celebration here.

Monday May 27 – “Gubbskiva”

Dinner for students and specially invited guests (seating in mentor groups). The evening starts at 18.00 with a performance by the students, followed by dinner where the students give their speech to the mentors.

Tuesday, May 28 – Scholarship Ceremonies

The students gather by the Aula at 13.45 and march into the Aula where parents, family and year 2-pupils are waiting. The programme starts at 14.00 with speeches and music performances followed by the student awards. No planned activities at the school follows afterwards.

Wednesday May 29 – Graduation day


08.30 – 09.10, Breakfast for boarding students in the boarding houses. The exam witnesses and teachers with lessons eat breakfast in the dining hall.

09.15, The students meet the exam witnesses and teachers in Instan/Gradängsalen.

09.45 – 11.10, Lessons according to a special schedule in the presence of exam witnesses and school management.

11.15, Scrutinium in the Aula for students, exam witnesses and teachers. The exam witnesses give their assessment and the students say goodbye to their teachers.

11.30 – 12.00, Assembly at Midgårdstrappan for the families, relatives and friends. The Matriculation cap is exchanged to the Graduation cap in Midgården.

12.00, The student graduation on Midgårdstrappan. Photographing and there after the student meet their families.

12.20, The students assemble on the wall opposite Midgårdstrappan to sing.

12.45, The brass band leads the students back through Sigtuna.

12.30 – 13.30, Lunch for exam witnesses and teachers in the dining hall.

13.30, The students return from their march to Sigtuna.

13.30, External students have their own receptions.

18.30, Departure to Valedictory ball from Stora Torget in Sigtuna.

02.00, Return from the ball with buses to Sigtuna and Stockholm.