Published 4 March 2025

In 1932, the very first graduates ran out on Midgårdstrappan

In 1932, Sigtunastiftelsens Humanistiska Läroverk, SHL, received their examination rights. 

This meant that the school could graduate its first students that year.

In the photo below we see (from the left) Bertil Edström, Nils-Erik Nilsson, Stig Lindman, Kurt Nilsson, Alf Örtqvist, Carl Henriksson, J.O Ström, Sten Gedda, Leon Ståhlberg and Nils Gustavsson on the Midgården stairs, in their white graduation caps. They were also some of the very first students admitted, when the school was founded in 1926.

Här ser vi de första tio eleverna som tog studenten på SHL 1932, när de stolt står uppställda på Midgårdstrappan.

In the previous year (1931) a small group of four students graduated as “private graduates”, doing their examination tests at another school.

In the photo below they have just arrived back from Stockholm, where they did the tests, all with very good results: Erik Andersson, Björn Bruno, Erik Schultz and Gustav Swahn.

En liten grupp på fyra elever tog studenten som “privatister” redan 1931. Här står de på Midgårdstrappan, nyss hemkomna från examineringen i Stockholm.

In 1924, Sigtunaskolan, SS, was founded as the first boarding school in Sigtuna. In 1926, the Sigtunastiftelsens Humanistiska Läroverk, SHL, was founded. The two later joined as one. We have therefore decided that 2025 will be the year when we celebrate our 100-year anniversary!