Published 8 October 2024

The Schools Inspectorate’s matter of injunction closed

During spring term earlier this year, the Swedish Schools Inspectorate gave us an injunction regarding our financial situation. They required a plan for the future development of the financial situation for SSHL. 

In cooperation with our School Board, we have since then developed a long-term plan for an economy in balance. Together with the support from our founders, we can today show both stability and a positive financial development.

We are now happy to share the good news that the Schools Inspectorate has brought this matter to a close.

This message from the Schools Inspectorate is good news for all of us. We feel confident regarding our plans ahead and are looking forward to the important mission of continuing to develop SSHL, and to celebrate our 100-year jubilee next year.

Thank you for all the support we have received, and for your trust in SSHL.

Read more: SSHL receives support from the founders (Swe)