Publicerat 8 november 2021

40 år som IB-skola

I år är det 40 år sedan vi på SSHL startade samarbetet med IBO som IB World School.

SSHL har erbjudit IB-examen sedan 1981, då vi var en av de första skolorna i Sverige att erbjuda IB Diploma-programmet. Sedan dess har tusentals elever studerat IB DP och tagit examen hos oss, med goda resultat.

I dagarna uppmärksammades vi av IB-organisationen, som omnämner skolans arbete på följande sätt:

”The International Baccalaureate (IB) would like to congratulate you on reaching your 40th anniversary as an IB World School, joining a legacy of schools across the globe to reach this milestone.

Thank you for your continued commitment to empowering learners to thrive and make a difference.

Your whole school community has shown incredible resilience in what has been a challenging 18 months for all. When facing an unpredictable future, education is our greatest source of hope; your hard work and dedication to delivering an IB education means that you are developing the next generation of thinkers, creators and engineers, who will be ready to solve society’s most pressing challenges and build a better world.

The challenges we have all witnessed over the last year and a half, have proved that we are one world in need of innovative thinkers who can solve anything by putting cultural differences aside to work together for the benefit of all.

Your ongoing commitment to being architects of learning has built your reputation as working at the forefront of education. We would once again like to congratulate you on this anniversary and accomplishment. We look forward to continuing to work with you, to develop resilient, well-rounded young people who have the knowledge, skills and sense of purpose they need to thrive throughout their lives and contribute to making the world a better place.

A heartfelt congratulations and thanks,
Adrian Kearney
Director IB World Schools”