Published 27 March 2023
SSHL History society visited the Viking world with all senses
On Sunday, 19 March, the History society at SSHL paid a long-awaited visit to the Swedish History Museum in Stockholm.
See photo album further down.
Since the pandemic has prevented us from organising activities outside the school, the word that best describes the feeling of having the opportunity to visit a museum again is finally! We decided to visit the Swedish History Museum with their fantastic exhibitions.
First, we visited The Gold Room, History of Sweden, Prehistories, Medieval Life and Medieval Art exhibitions on our own. Then we went on a guided tour, led by one of the museum pedagogues who told us about the exhibitions The Viking World and The Medieval Massacre.
Frode and Elias tries the 14th century equipment.
There were several interactive stations where you could, for example, experience the smell in a longhouse from the Viking era or try out helmets from the 14th century and feel how heavy they were. This was much appreciated and also brought some laughs, as history came alive while we looked a bit funny.
Everyone was very satisfied after the museum visit. We had the opportunity to take part in the wide range of exhibitions that were on display as well as the opportunity to gain more in-depth knowledge during the guided tour. We really felt the wings of history during this day and on our way home we discussed all the different exhibitions.
In total, we were fifteen History society members, together with students from class SA24 and our supervisor Johnny Poetzsch, who travelled to Stockholm to visit the Swedish History Museum this Sunday. More members were interested, but unfortunately they could not join due to other activities.
A big thank you to the Parents’ Association, whose financial contribution made it possible for us to organise an inspiring and fun museum visit!
Text and photo: Elias Strömland, NA23
See photo album further down.
What did you think of the visit to the Swedish History Museum?
Elias Strömland, NA23, who arranged the museum visit:
– What I found most interesting was being able to walk along Sweden’s history for the past 1,000 years. There were ten small exhibitions, one after the other, with a room for each century. I think it was a cool way to summarise an entire millennium and the museum had selected significant historical events from each century that were very interesting. The insight I took with me was that the time perspective of Sweden’s history can be seen in many different ways.
Johnny Poetzsch, teacher and supervisor for the History society:
– The visit to the Swedish History museum was very fun and educational. I felt that both the students and I had a very stimulating day together where we got to learn a lot from our guide. The visit also made it possible, not least through Elias’ very good planning, for us to get to know each other better and to get inspiration for future activities.
As responsible for the History society, I have the opportunity to, in addition to my role as their history teacher, inspire and encourage the students to take their own initiatives for further learning, and also to provide information on activities within the History society.
What plans do you have in the History society for the near future?
Frode Ekholm, SA23, chairman of the History society:
– We have a few ideas about what we would like to do this spring, at the moment we are in a planning phase, looking into doing some smaller activities before the end of school year and graduation. And we are going to recruit a new board for the History society before the next school year.
At SSHL, many students are actively involved in the many clubs and societies that are run at the school, which opens up for extraordinary activities. Funds are provided both from the school and from the Parents Association.
The History society is only one of 22 clubs and societies at SSHL. |
Below: History society gathered in front of the marble lion from Piraeus: