Published 24 May 2021

Graduation and Awards & Scholarships

See our recorded streams and photo gallery of both our Graduation ceremony on 28 May and our Awards and Scholarships Ceremony on 27 May. Please scroll down for videos and photos.

We wish the class of 2021 all the best for the future!

Graduating class: Abiturients

According to tradition, the “studenten” graduation ceremonies kick off 50 days before graduation when the graduating class announces their candidacy to take the no-longer taken Swedish graduation exams. At this event, the graduating class is ceremoniously awarded “Abiturient” caps that they can wear until their graduation to signify their candidacy for the exam. Boarding houses and day students perform a celebratory skit and then they parade through the town of Sigtuna and toss a coin in Sigtunastiftelsen’s fountain for good luck. This year, the graduating class was divided into small groups according to a specific schedule so that some of these traditions could be upheld. See some photos from the cap ceremony here.

LIVE: Awards & Scholarships Ceremony

On this day, the day before graduation, the graduating class is rewarded for their hard work with the many awards, prizes and scholarships founded by the SSHL community over the years. We are grateful for all the friends of SSHL who make it possible for us to generously celebrate our young graduates.

LIVE: Graduation

Graduation day normally begins with examination lessons with external examination witnesses that are there to ceremoniously assess our graduating students. After the lessons, the entire graduating class is called to a “Scrutinium” where the class is told by the witnesses whether they have passed their ceremonial examination. When they have been given a passing grade they are allowed to exchange their “Abiturient” cap for their bright white “Student” matriculation cap. The graduates receive pins and farewells from teachers and staff and proceed to run out from Scrutinium into the back door Midgården in front of which Family and friends wait anxiously to find out who has passed their examination.

All at once, the graduates rush out on the front steps and celebrate their graduation publically for the first time, often ostentatiously waving their bright white graduation caps.

Just like last year, we will live stream our graduates rushing out of Midgården in multiple separated groups. The exact schedule has been sent to parents and guardians of the graduating class.