Published 5 October 2023
Eco2Schools Project: Renovation for sustainability
Now it’s happening!
We have joined a European project where we will test sustainable energy renovation in the school buildings, in cooperation with student organisations and staff. The project is sponsored by grants from the EU and called The Eco2 Schools as New European Bauhaus Project.
The other four partners in the project are
- University College Cork in Ireland
- Microville Durable living-lab in France
- Ciência Viva Science Center in Portugal
- Ellinogermaniki Agogi School, Greece.
We have already started a pilot at the school, where we are in the process of replacing the existing lighting in selected classrooms with a so-called “smart lighting system”, and later comparing the electricity consumption there with the existing lighting.
Besides renovating for sustainability, one of our aims at SSHL is to showcase how collaborative efforts of school clubs can raise awareness about sustainable energy renovation for students and the local community alike. We also want to demonstrate that when schools are partnering with their local communities they can become agents of community well-being through their involvement in co-creative research and innovation for resource efficiency.
Our partners in the project are SSHL Facility, Boarding and Educational Departments, Design and Technology Group, SSHL Environmental Group, Life Link, SIGNIFY Smart lighting system and indoor environment controllers, SVEA Solar: Infrastructure (Solar panels), Energy consulting engineers, DELOITTE and NTUA: City Synergy Strategy and Green Neighborhood Development Planning, Sigtuna Municipality.
Read more about the project at NEBLAB Eco2 Schools project
Below: The student association SSHL Design & Technology Group is a driving force in the project.