Published 2 November 2021

SSHL contributes to better preparedness for future pandemics

SSHL, together with six other schools in Europe, has been granted an EU grant in the form of an Erasmus project. The project will run for 24 months and has the theme “Modern methods for teaching, learning, and assessment in the digital age”.

The school is one of the institutions in society that has been most affected by the Corona pandemic. For a long time, many students have been in a situation of not being able to go to school to the extent they are used to. How will this change affect their future? Will they be able to fulfill their dreams, desires, and professional ambitions?

The only solution to ensure the continuity of the educational process during the pandemic was to use computers and digital means. A major challenge for teachers was that, with only a very short notice, they had to change their teaching strategies and give up direct interaction by communicating the teaching at a distance.

The project “Modern methods for teaching, learning and assessment in a digital age” is intended to build preparedness for similar situations in the future based on the experiences we have gathered during this pandemic. This will involve developing catalogues with educational materials and shared good practice for any future needs where digital and distance education is necessary. The project will include both teachers and students in schools from the participating countries. Other members are schools from Romania, Turkey, Greece, and Norway.

Read more about the project