Published 10 January 2017
Welcome back!
Welcome back ! I hope that you and your family enjoyed a good Christmas holiday. Although it doesn’t feel like it outside, we’re now into the Spring Term! Classes and activities are all according the timetable and you can find an overview of the general spring calendar here.
The biggest change at school this term is that for the spring Eddy Johansson will be Principal (tf. rektor) and Thomas Persson Head of Boarding. We wish them all the best in their new roles this term.
January also sees us set to welcome approximately 35 students who are coming to try boarding. We so enjoy showing SSHL to prospective students and I am sure that everyone will make them welcome.
It is also Open House on January 28th (10 AM – 2 PM). The Open House is not just for prospective high school (gymnasie) students, but also those families wanting to know more about our middle school (grundskola). On January 28th, you’ll have the opportunity to see all of our wonderful facilities and talk to teachers and students.
As a final note, this is a major term in particular for 9th graders and 3rd ringers. You’re facing the final term of your study programmes. I would like to remind you to put a lot of work in to your courses. It’s never to late to make a difference. There’s time to celebrate in May! Enjoy this term in spite of the pressure and work. Although you might feel at times as if it is all getting to much, I know that your teachers and friends are here to support you.
I wish everyone a successful, enjoyable spring term!
Margret Benedikz
Director, SSHL