The Board of Trustees

Sigtuna skolstiftelse

Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Läroverket trustees are The Sigtuna Foundation and The Knut & Alice Wallenbergs Foundation.

As a foundation, the school is not run for profit. Remaining funds are reinvested into the school.

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Board members

Representatives appointed by Sigtuna Foundation:
Alf Linderman, Vice Chair
Alexandra Ekman

Deputy representatives:
Oscar Ekman
Helle Klein

Representatives appointed by Knut & Alice Wallenberg Foundation:

Paula Guillet de Monthoux, Chair 
Fredrik Lindgren

Deputy representative:
Joel Ambré 
Sophie Gandet

Union representatives:
Björn Nordgren, Sveriges Lärare
Johanna Flink, Vision

Sofia Kinberg, CEO/School Director
Marlene Brink-Sinervo, COO