Values and guidelines

Core values and guidelines
Core Values and Guidelines for Community Welfare
Equal Treatment Plan and ANDTS Policy for SSHL
SSHL School Policies for admission, attendance, language, assessment, inclusion and academic integrity.
SSHL’s core values
SSHL is a place where students from Sweden and the rest of the world meet.
One of the pillars of SSHL is respect for all. Everyone is valued equally and has the same rights regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disability, age or membership to a particular boarding home.
Our school should be a safe and positive environment in which to study, work and live. It therefore goes without saying that we strongly disapprove of all forms of discriminatory behaviour.
If it has come to our attention that a student has been subjected to any form of discrimination, we act in accordance with our Equal Treatment Plan.
There is zero tolerance at SSHL against all forms of discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, and abusive treatment. This is also regulated in the Education Act chapter 6 “Measures against abusive treatment”. Abusive treatment is one behavior that violates the dignity of a child or student.
The basic rules for all students
SSHL aims to provide high quality teaching and our goal is that all students reach their full potential.
At the school, adults and students meet every day. For the comfort of everybody and so that students get as much from their time at school as possible, it is important that all students, adults, and also visitors show consideration and respect towards one another.
Alcohol, narcotics, doping substances, tobacco and gambling
SSHL is an alcohol, drugs, doping, tobacco and gambling-free school. Our rules apply to all activities conducted by the school. We work actively with both preventive, promotive and remedial efforts where both students and staff participate, in accordance with the ANDTS Policy at SSHL (for alcohol, narcotics, doping substances, tobacco and gambling).
Rules and consequences
When it comes to consequences related to teaching, we follow the Swedish education laws. The school reports all activities that break Swedish law to the police and/or social services.