The Mentorship Programme at SSHL

The Mentorship Programme at SSHL

More than a fantastic education

Our students have the opportunity to participate in the much appreciated Mentorship Programme at SSHL.

The Sigtuna Alumni Association has been running the Mentorship Programme in close collaboration with the school for several years

The purpose of the programme is to strengthen the links between school, business and working life, and to show students what opportunities can be found in higher education and in working life. By offering the student the opportunity to share the mentors’ personal experiences, a generational cross-learning and expanded network are created for all participants.

The goal is for SSHL to provide even more than a fantastic education but also a door to our own network during your time at the school. The possibility of mentorship, with all that that entails, is another good reason to choose SSHL.

During the school year, students gather in joint activities such as lectures, workshops and study visits for the whole group, which are interspersed with individual meetings and contacts between mentor and student, with the opportunity for the student to get answers to questions about life at SSHL and the future.

The mentor is an adult with whom the student can share thoughts and ideas about the future. The programme runs for one academic year. All work in the Mentorship Programme is entirely pro bono.

The application and selection of personal interviews take place every year during April-May. The matching of mentor and student is made during the summer, before the programme starts in September. The final mentorship programme meeting is usually held in April-May under festive forms, with some form of presentation and a diploma ceremony.   Students on study trip to SVT

For more information and if you have questions, contact the programme manager:

Monica Holmvik Persdotter
Tel no +46 703135512

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