All stories

Raymond Ahlgren
My seven years at the school are among the happiest of my life!

Carolina Wåhlin
Carolina is Swedish, but she had never lived in Sweden until she enrolled at SSHL

David Nikolov
I am proud to be a student attending SSHL

Aurore Belfrage
It's a family tradition to study at SSHL!

Charlotte Beskow
SSHL gave me a firm footing and a reference I would share with hundreds of other students

Christoffer Roepstorff
Inspired by his old physics teacher

Alice Andersson
After the guided tour I was completely in love

Jeanette Danielson
My best friends are all from my time at SSHL

Mikael Lindström
The school has meant a lot to me

Carl Månsson
You get into boarding life quickly and make many friends

Donata Leonova
My teachers were fantastic

Christian Sonnenstein
My parents and I were expats

Karl Svensson
It felt like coming home